Saudi Arabia picks ABU for Legal, Arabic and Islamic teacher training

The kingdom of Saudi Arabia has dispatched a high- powered delegation of academics to Ahmadu Bello University for the training of judges, Arabic and Islamic Studies teachers in Nigeria.

Speaking during a courtesy call on the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Ibrahim Garba, head of the team from the Ummul-Qurah University, Makkah, Dr. Hassan Al-Bukhary said the Saudi monarch gave specific order for the delegation to carry the training in ABU because of its centrality and relevance.

Dr. Al-Bukhary said the 6-day (28th March – 3rd April) workshop in collaboration with the Intellectual and Academic Forum for Judges, Arabic and Islamic Teachers of Nigeria was aimed at equipping the beneficiaries with special skills and best techniques in adjudication, as well as teaching Arabic and Islamic Studies.

Responding, the Vice- Chancellor, Professor Ibrahim Garba expressed appreciation to the Saudi Arabian government for recognising and choosing Ahmadu Bello University for the capacity building workshop for the judges and Arabic and Islamic Studies teachers.

Prof Garba assured the visiting Saudi resource persons that ABU took training issues seriously, especially in the field of Arabic and Islamic Studies, where lecturers needed to equip themselves deeply to better guide their students.

He expressed optimism that the exercise would pave the way for further intellectual collaborations between Ahmadu Bello University and Ummul-Qurah University to include disciplines other than Arabic and Islamic Studies.

The Vice-Chancellor was robed with a Saudi traditional attire by the Ummul-Qurah delegation.

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